Sunday, January 11, 2009


Q. where the heck did you get the title for this blog? psssh. you WOULD have a blog called that.

A. it's from an inside joke with extended family. it was christmas eve '08. i was working on a project for a friend when my cousin asked me, "so, what are you- a seamstress or something?" i replied "no, because I DON'T HAVE A VAGINA." she corrected herself and said tailor, but the damage was done. thus was born the blog title. :)
if you feel uncomfortable about the word "penis", you can refer to this whole shindig as S.w.a.P.

Q. you suck! you're so sloppy and messy and uncrafty, i hate you.

A. well, that's not really a question.

Q. fine. WHY do you suck so much, and why are you so sloppy and messy and uncrafty, and did you know i hate you?

A. better. i think this is largely relative. there are a lot of different methods out there; i've been drawn to a more esoteric and perhaps archaic mode of sewing- hobostitching. the sloppiness and messiness and uncraftiness are all intentional; i could use a machine and regular thread and make perfectly straight cuts, etc. if i wanted to but i feel they're a bit boring. and no, i didn't know you hated me but that makes me a sad panda.

Q. "hobostitching"?

A. hobostitching is a type of stitching that's now common among the crustpunk/gutterpunk subcultures for a multitude of reasons. essentially, it's handstitching with a needle and dental floss. usually done in a dropstitch fashion (some call it an "over-under" stitch. sewing dropstitch is different from knitting dropstitch). dental floss, since it's woven nylon, is MUCH stronger than regular thread and since it's waxed, it has a nice stiffness that's natural to it. (since it's waxed, it can't go in a sewing machine either- would gum the whole thing up). also, since it's nylon you can burn the excess at the ends and it hardens. great for knotting ends of seams.

Q. can you make me something? how much do you charge?

A. sure! i try to keep the process pretty personal so i'll need to get some ideas of things that are important in your life, etc. and if you have any patches, etc. that you want me to use, i'll need those mailed to me (or given to me if you're close enough). currently i only charge for materials but if demand picks up i'll need to start charging (a modest amount) of labour as well. the pricing kind of depends on what you want, but i can tell you know that the BDU shirt you see in the next post cost #35USD if i recall. i accept paypal and prefer it, but i'll hesitantly take a check in the mail. or, again, cash is fine if you live close enough to me to hand it to me in person.

Q. are you on Twitter?

A. yep! @SwaPthreads


  1. haha, brent- just found this blog. I love your creativity and I love that you named this after my comment on Christmas Eve!

  2. hahaha.

    isn't it great though? i thank you for the inspiration!

    i need to make it out there for your house church sometme. this tues.night sn't good for me; there's a party at eastern i most assuredly HAVE to go to, but the week after i may be stopping in. i will need details, but i'll get those laterrrr.


play nicely!