Wednesday, January 14, 2009

project 2 update #1

okay. so i stayed up all night (my insomnia's back! sad panda) but i got the hardest stencil DONE.

it's a bit hard to see but it's a parody of the Andre the Giant OBEY stencils. stormtroopers \o/ !

it'll (here's hoping) look better once it gets sprayed.

photo of the aftermath:

i also sanded down the jacket and broke it in (a little TOO well this time. it took too much a beating so now i need to take the extra time to reinforce some spots that are threadbare.


  1. yayyy!

    the rebel alliance one will take like, 2 mins to cut (this one took me about 2-3 hours), but the sewing may need a little more time. but whatever the case, i'm DEFINITELY ahead of schedule. insomnia helps sometimes.


play nicely!